PID sensor module
Suitable for those who desire to have their own brand of PID products, here we provide our PID sensor module kit for your customized development. All sensor output signals are linearized, and compensated with built-in temperature and humidity sensors, ensuring accurate and reliable measurements.

Optical Gas Imaging
IR camera
Model IR-cam 500 series
Providing "visual ident" of gas cloud imaging to detect, locate, identify, and quantify any fugitive gas leakages in the plant, to enhance safety and property protection in workplace. No more spending valuable man-hours to search for gas leakages.

GDS unique in PID detection

World's first
Optical Gas Imaging
using proprietary IR technology
self cleaning
self zeroing
Temp - %RH compensation
with unique ceramic-glass PID lamp
built-in Dehumidifier

low cost imaging technology
monitor, identify, quantify and locate leaks in real time 24/7
passive mode
active mode
in real-time detection of VOCs/SVOCs in sewer water application

Advanced technique to detect, identify, and quantify VOCs/SVOCs in ppm/ppb levels in real time 24/7

GDS Instruments manufactured instruments that have been designed for all sectors of the oil & gas, petrochemical , and wastewater industries, taking high emphasis on quality, reliability and performance. Covering various market segment, from offshore-rigs, terminals, tank farms, pipelines, refineries and petrochemical plants, GDS Instruments innovates products that are protecting lives, assets and the environment, making the workplaces safer and greener for generations.

Never have we experienced such reliable performance and sustained, long sensor life of a fixed PID detector experienced in the PIDScan 800, ... especially even under such harsh conditions in the plant installations.
Max Ho - CEO, GBTC Taiwan - Gas Detection Distributor for Formosa Plastic Corp.
OUR vision
... aspired to innovate new leading edge and market relevant products that can save lives, help to protect the environment, and ultimately, cost effective to the end users.

... surely
... surely greener
... surely
cost effective
GDS unique ceramic-embodied PID lamp has proven to be more reliable and high performance, combined with its special automatic self cleaning and self zeroing capabilities, and built-in DeHumidifier.
GDS Optical Gas Imaging provides low cost imaging devices for operator to know exactly where the leak is occurring and the volume of gas being leaked. No more guess-works where gas leakages are, and no more time and man-power wastages to seach to locate leak points.
GDS Optical Gas Imaging provides operator guarantees and provides users with accurate and instantaneous visual images of gas leaks, thus ensure an effective solution detect, locate, identify and quantify any fugitive gas leaks to minimize further gas leaks into the atmosphere, making the workplace a greener place for generations.
We are making optical imaging devices that are now low-cost, to be it readily available and affordable to a broad range of industries, so that they can rely on more cost effective tools to mitigate any fugitive gas leakages at site. No more gas leakages will be left undetected. No more wasting of operator's valuable time and effort to search fofr gas leakages. So that such labor work force can be well utilised and deployed in other operations in higher demand.

Contact us for a solution ...
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